Low-Cost Housing Models
Low Cost Housing: Model 1
NAPHDA to work in collaboration with Development entities/Authorities to provide Low Cost Housing all over the country.
Land is provided by the Development entities/ Authorities for the construction in Urban centers.
Government’s noble intent of providing housing to the underserved at affordable price can only be realized by adopting all possible measures to limit / cap the price of houses for low / medium income members.
Development Authorities to develop land and construct through finance from the banks.
NAPHDA to provide cost subsidy of 300,000 to eligible applicants registered through “Naya Pakistan Housing Program” (NPHP).
NAPHDA will provide following incentives/facilitationCoordination with different Governments for provision of road, water and sanitation infrastructure up to the project site.
Arrange the end buyers and mortgage facility from the banks for low income segment group.
90% tax rebate on projects approved by NAPHDA.
Low Cost Housing: Model 2
NAPHDA to work with Provincial Governments to provide Low-Cost Housing all over the country on government Land
Land is provided by the Provincial Governments for the construction in Peri – Urban areas at subsidized rates.
Provincial Governments to develop land and construct through EPC mode.
NAPHDA to provide cost subsidy of 300,000 to eligible applicants registered through “Naya Pakistan Housing Program” (NPHP).
Government’s noble intent of providing housing to the underserved at affordable price can only be realized by adopting all possible measures to limit / cap the price of houses for low / medium income members.
NAPHDA will provide following incentives/facilitationCoordination with different Governments for provision of road, water and sanitation infrastructure up to the project site.
Arrange the end buyers and mortgage facility from the banks for low income segment group.
90% tax rebate on projects approved by NAPHDA.
Low Cost Housing: Model 3
Participation by Private Sector Developers on Market Based Terms ‘Real Game Changer’
NAPHDA to facilitate builders in development of housing projects on private land subject to certain conditions:-
1. Clear title and verified ownership of land.
2. Livability
3. Encumbrance free contiguous land with clear title
4. Availability of basic services / accessibility to a road network.
5. Clearance for housing purposes.
Private sector will be encouraged to participate in the NAPHDA Negotiated Procurement Process in accordance with the procedure approved by the Federal Cabinet.
Developer will construct houses by arranging developer finance from the banks.
NAPHDA will provide following incentives / facilitation
1. Provision of 300,000 as cost subsidy to eligible applicant registered through Naya Pakistan Housing program (NPHP)
2. Facilitation in approvals and NOCs
3. Coordination with respective Governments /development authorities for provision of road, electricity water and sanitation infrastructure up to the project site.
4. Arrange the buyers and mortgage facility from banks for registered applicants through NPHP.
5. 90% tax rebate on low cost housing projects approved by NAPHDA.